What’s In A Name…An Explanation Of Four Streams


By Molly Plumley

A table has four legs, a car has four wheels, and Four Streams has FOUR STREAMS that guide our organization.

Neuroscience, Positive Psychology, Worldview, and Transformational Coaching. We would like to explain why these four streams are important to our organization and how they direct us in everything we do. 


Since our approach to coaching is based on the whole person, we start with what makes each person extraordinary. We use several different science-backed assessment tools to facilitate self-discovery and understanding as we drive towards assisting our clients in becoming the best versions of themselves. We partner with TTI Success Insights to provide baseline data to be able to see each client as the unique individual they are.

At Four Streams, we get excited about how science and coaching work hand in hand. New ways of thinking and acting really can create new neural pathways in the brain at any age. But it all starts with awareness. We, as humans, are not “stuck.” We are ever-evolving, ever-growing, and ever-learning individuals who are capable of drastic changes, if we so desire. There is always room for self-discovery; learning how we are wired and what makes us special.

It is vitally important for us to see the individuality, dignity, and uniqueness of everyone we work with. This is a core value for us as individuals and as an organization. We strive to stay on the cutting edge of Neuroscience because newly released research excites us and empowers our coaches and clients.

Positive Psychology:

Martin Seligman (bio here) and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (bio here) define Positive Psychology as “the scientific study of positive human functioning and flourishing on multiple levels that include the biological, personal, relational, institutional, cultural, and global dimensions of life.” [1]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_psychology

Four Streams utilizes the wisdom of both Martin Seligman (Ted talk here) and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (Ted talk here) and you can too as these pioneer’s TED Talks on Positive Psychology are used throughout our Coach Training Program. If you are working with one of our coaches, these same principles will be evident. We strive to empower everyone we touch with the development of their own Positive Psychology as this can be a truly life-altering approach. We believe so deeply that if one looks for the negative, they will find it, but if they look for the positive…that will also be found. We go into every conversation and situation with the understanding that optimism towards the future, rather than the pull of the past, will help us be in the driver’s seat of our own lives. Through Positive Psychology, we can truly focus on what gives you meaning and motivation.


Mirriam-Webster defines Worldview as: “a comprehensive conception or apprehension of the world especially from a specific standpoint.”[2]https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/worldview?src=search-dict-box

Every person has their own unique Worldview, based on their values, upbringing, culture, insecurities, and experiences. This is the lens through which we see as we examine and interact with the world around us.

More often than not, we are only aware of what is inside our Worldview. It’s as if we are looking at the world through a telescope and all areas outside our view do not exist. It is incredibly eye-opening when we learn about our perspective and how we process information. Expansion of Worldview generally has an incredible impact on our relationships, our own personal growth, and in maintaining a learner’s mindset.

From the Four Streams perspective, acknowledging Worldview is the biggest game-changer for our coaches and clients. It is one of the main things that set us apart in the coaching world as we strive to first recognize our Worldview, then work to broaden our lens.

Transformational Coaching:

Personal and Professional Coaching has grown as a profession in the last decade, but not all coaching is created equally. At Four Streams, we focus on a Transformation. Our goal is not to simply help a coach or a client check something off of their list. We work with clients to tie their goals back to their bigger WHY, or purpose. Our focus is on helping people set themselves up for long-term success as they start to see the connected dots in their own lives, drive towards their ultimate goals, and become the best versions of themselves.

Four Streams is an accredited International Coaching Federation (ICF) school, which means we are held to an extremely high standard as it relates to Core Competencies and Code of Ethics. The ICF is the international gold standard of coaching. We pride ourselves in both being an accredited educational facility as well as requiring an ICF credential as a prerequisite for the coaches in the Four Streams Coaching Network. The ICF guidelines guide how we teach and serve as coaches. We then add an additional layer, which is the Transformational piece.

Our Four Streams Flow:

1.         We start with what makes you extraordinary (with the help of neuroscience).

2.         Digging deeper into what gives you intrinsic/internal meaning and what motivates you, we start to uncover your purpose.

3.         As we collaborate on action steps, we take a deep look into what behavior changes are needed to get you where you want to be.

4.         The results we help you achieve will always begin with “what do you want, or need, to accomplish?” and “why is it important to you?”

Four Streams Coaching is transformational not only because it is our model, but because time and time again, we have seen true, lasting, and sustainable transformation in both our coaches and our clients. With anything in life, you get out what you put in. If you are looking for transformation into the best version of yourself, you will find that at Four Streams. 


1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_psychology
2 https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/worldview?src=search-dict-box